Tuesday, July 14, 2009


So today in class was pretty much the same in the morning. Breakfast was not good. I was expecting it though. When I took a shower this morning I picked up my sponge and there was this huge insect in it. I didn’t know what it was but it def woke me up! I have to give a mini presentation on Friday and I got the topic of swine flu. I have to give the definition, the symtoms, causes, preventions and possible treatment. I think it’s going to be relatively easy. In our second class today we watched the movie called SICKO. It’s a documentary by Michael Moore addressing the issues of Americas health care system and those who actually do have insurance and the problems of the insurance companies and the realities and things that they try to hide from the public. It was very interesting to watch. He also traveled around the world to the UK, France, and other countries who have universal health care and interviewed different people (citizens, Americans who live there now, doctors, patients, workers of the hospitals, etc) on their points of view on the subject. It was really sad to me that there are so many Americans such as the heroes of 9/11 that are not given the health care or treatment caused by volunteering or responding to the tragic event. Many of them now have different types of chronic lung diseases and disorders and the government has not helped them or the insurance companies have found reasons to deny them the coverage for the care/treatment they need. Michael Moore took some of these people that he interviewed down to guantanomo bay to make a point that they want the same health care and treatment that those of Al Quida or the worse prisoners are getting by being there. They actually get better health care then many Americans do. So they ended up going to a hospital in Havana and got treated for free and helped them diagnose problems that for years they have had. They did not address any of the disadvantages to socialized medicine which made me a little angry because there are problems with every type of system. Afterwards we had an open discussion as a class and then the doctors that teach our class gave their opinion. Im still not quite sure what to think of everything. It is such a difficult subject and a lot to process, but I am glad im getting an insight from physicans who are a part of a system like that and what its all about. Many people had very strong opinions and I just wanted to take it all in and listen to everyone. I did not give my opinion, which im not absolutely positive how I feel about it. Hopefully Tuesday wont be as intense. Hasta pronto…

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