Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monteverde 2

Sunday we walked to the cloud forest and had a couple hours to hike and walk around to see the national park. It is really big and theres no way we would see the whole thing. Some people saw monkeys, I didn’t but all in all it was an incredible view. It really did seem that we were in the clouds. I definitely got a workout. By the end of the day we were all pretty exhausted. We left for San Jose after lunch but got stuck for about 30 minutes on the mountain because there was a huge bike race going on and the bus couldn’t get around the parked cars on the side of the road. I was able to get about half way through my book that I bought last Wednesday and I had to tell myself to put it down. We got back before dinner and to our surprise our mama tica had a lot of visitors. A little overwhelming I must admit. One of her sisters had came to visit, and her son. Also, later her older brother and his wife along with their son stopped by too. Apparently our mama tica has 8 brothers and sisters in her family. Her older brother Alberto was so cute and his birthday is Wednesday and Hes going to be 80 years old. He looks pretty good for is age too. Later before I went to bed, Kacey and I played a few games of Uno with Emma’s grandson Ralf and his friend Miguel. I had them start teaching me some slang words that younger people use. It was a great weekend, but I was glad to be back at the house in a strange way. I think it was because I was getting into a routine and getting used to how the days would go. I didn’t stay up late because I had to get up early for class. I do miss everyone at home. Hopefully nothing too exciting has happened while ive been gone. Hasta pronto….

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