Thursday, July 9, 2009


Went to bed pretty early last night, I was really tired from all the festivities that took place. Class went well and went by fast. We had a meeting today, which we have every Wednesday to talk about the upcoming excursions and announcements. We’re going to Monteverde this weekend which is in the mountains about 5-6 hours from here. There is no cable or internet but there is electricity which is nice. Im excited to get out of san jose and take pictures. I haven’t been able to take pictures yet because im afraid someone will take my camera since the city is kinda of sketchy. A group of us decided to go back downtown to get a few things after the meeting. We ate lunch down there and ended up getting separated from each other. Ashley my roommate and I went and ate somewhere different then the other 3 girls. To be honest, we really just wanted an American meal in case that would be the only chance. So we had pizza hut. And it was def good. I finished my book “eclipse” which is the 3rd book to the twilight series finally and wanted to find the last book to have for this weekend and read while im here. Well about 4 hours later, multiple book stores later, and many times asking the same question I finally found it. The bookstores carried the book but it was only in Spanish. The only ones they had in English were the first books to the series. So we ended up in this one book store and they had one copy, but it was reserved for someone and part of a set. I was willing to pay for the whole set because we had been everywhere and that’s all I really wanted. Luckily the lady told me about this one place which is like a department store. It was the last place we went after we finally found it. We must have walked by this place at least 5 times not knowing they had a huge book section. And well, good news they had my book in English! I was soo happy. I also had to buy an umbrella because a rain jacket just doesn’t cut it. The one day that I had an umbrella it did not rain. That would happen though.
Tonight we got back for dinner and our tico moms son in law was at the house and they were fixing dinner. I had the longest conversation straight in Spanish that I can think of and im pretty proud of myself because I did actually really well. Im starting to feel much more comfortable speaking Spanish and not afraid if I mess up which is really cool because ive only been here for 5 days so far. We talked about everything. Emma (our senora) was telling her son in law that I don’t like anything and I eat like a bird, etc etc. somehow we got on the subject of me having to drink diet coke at least once a day and I tried to quit but it gave me bad headaches. She was so sweet she sent her grandson Daniel to the store around the corner to buy a big thing of diet coke. And for once we had something I liked; Mashed potatoes, rice, and pieces of meat kinda of like a beef brisket but not as good. We were all pretty tired tonight so we’re all going to bed early. I do miss sleeping in my own bed where its completely dark and all of my squishy pillows. Here I only have one pillow and a thin sheet and cover. Its been okay though. Oh yeh and its weird not having Bishop in the bed too. Hopefully he won’t forget me while I’m gone. Yo tengo mucha cansada. Hasta manana mi familia y mis amigos…

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