Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mañana es Para Siempre (Lunes y Martes)

I didn’t sleep very well Sunday night. I had a lot of very vivid dreams all night long. I woke up a few times too forgetting where I was. I heard a lot of voices when I finally woke up for the day. I wasn’t sure who all was in the house. Went to the kitchen for breakfast and Emma was back along with one of her sons, her daughter, her granddaughter, and Luis; a full house was here to help her which was relieving to see. Emma looked good for falling again. She was wheeling around in one of those black office chairs that swivels. I felt better than I had been but still not back to normal. Went to school anyway, which felt like the longest walk of my life considering I didn’t have any energy at all. It was the beginning of our last week of our Spanish class. The other ISA group which isn’t in the medical Spanish leaves Saturday so this is there last week. We stayed at Veritas all day since we had our afternoon class too. I tried to study for our test we had Tuesday, but of course the internet was there to distract me. We got out of the second class two hours earlier because we reviewed for our test and went over one more type of parasite. I’m glad I had the extra time to skype and catch up on some things while we waited for the shuttle.
It seemed like everyone was getting sick in our group. People were dropping like flies. There are apparently many different types of flu going around, and one guy even ended up with a bacterial infection because of the rapid climate changes that we experienced in Manuel Antonio. At dinner, we watched the same show that we always do. It is a Costa Rican soap opera that is called Mañana es para Siempre. The first time we watched it, all three of us felt that it was really silly and a bit strange. The more I watch it, the more it grows on me though. The theme song that plays at the end gets stuck in your head and Luis always sits right up next to it and sings along, or rather attempts to sing along with it. Tuesday was test day and I hadn’t really studied much for it. It was a lot of information on different types of parasites different classifications of worms and the diseases that they cause along with all of the symptoms, treatment, prevention, etc. It started to get confusing after looking at it for so long. The test itself was relatively short; two case studies and a matching section and a short answer. It wasn’t very easy either, more tricky I would say then anything because all of the parasites cause generally the same clinical symptoms. I decided not to go out since I was starting to feel on the better side. I didn’t want to push it. We also had plans for Wednesday night too so I wanted to save my energy for that. Ashley and I watched with Emma the show after dinner again and talked to her about hamburgers and French fries for about 20 minutes. I read through their newspaper and looked for any soccer games that we could go to or concerts that would be happening while we were still here. I didn’t stay up too late. I did read much more of my book than I intended too. It is just soo good that I cant put it down and part of me doesn’t like that fact that I’m reading it so fast because it’s the last book the the series so I am not ready for it to end.
Oh let me just go completely off subject and include one thing that I still have a hard time trying to understand that I haven’t fully adapted to yet: not being able to flush toilet paper down the toilets. It’s a second nature thing for us Americans, but we can’t do it here. With all of the money that they spend on universal health care, wouldn’t you think that the government would find it necessary to update their plumbing and sewer systems so that people could flush toilet paper instead of having to put it in a small trash can that sits next to the toilet? It just seems much more sanitary and you would think they would agree here, but I guess not. Thankfully, none of us has stopped the toilet up yet or caused it to overflow, but it is only a matter of time. That is one thing I look forward to getting back home is flushing toilet paper again. Hasta pronto…

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