Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Love at First Sight

The end of the day yesterday turned out to be well. It hasn’t rained in a few. Actually not sense I bought an umbrella. Of course that would happen when I’m actually prepared. We stayed on campus after class for a while so we could all catch up on email and life back home before returning back to our house for lunch. we don’t have internet here at the house so we take full advantage of our breaks during class. We only had about an hour for lunch and to get stuff done at the house before our afternoon class at 4. I had lost Franklin (my electronic dictionary) and was really worried I wasn’t going to be able to find him. Franklin has been a life saver in all of my Spanish classes I wasn’t sure I would know what to without him, but one small panic attack later Franklin was found safe and sound in a bag that I had overlooked. I forgot to mention that I had about an hour long conversation after lunch with Ralf (one of the grandsons) I asked him what age kids could start driving here, what he was taking in school, how long of a break they get, etc. he asked me about how our cell phones and the cell phone companies work at home because here there’s only one cell phone company and it is really expensive to have a cell phone. He was amazed at all the different options we have. The little things like that reemphasizes how different things are but also at the same time are the same.
Today, Tuesday began like any other morning I’ve had here so far. Woke up at 6 and got ready then met in the kitchen around 7 to eat breakfast and talk to Emma about the plans for the day. Well I definitely was not expecting what was about to be told by my roommate. I guess I should start out refreshing the fact that our senora Emma has a 33 year old son Luis, who lives with her that has down syndrome. Well, like I said before he’s nice and means well but still has the mental age of about a 10-12 year old. Apparently, Kacey had come downstairs to take her shower around 6 and you have to go around a little hall to get to our bathroom which is off the kitchen. Well off the other side of the kitchen is a relatively good size back porch that is separated by a sliding glass door. Well the glass door had been open and Kacey had just turned around the corner at the exact same time that Luis was standing on the porch naked. Yes, naked! Butt ass naked! She saw him and he saw her!!! I think she must have been frozen for a few seconds trying to process what was taking place at that exact moment and then darted into the bathroom. she stayed in there much longer because she wasn’t sure if he would still be out there! Now, she told me this story while we are eating breakfast when Emma and Luis both are around. Of course she had to whisper it and I had to refrain myself from laughing but I just cannot even imagine. She said that it was so awkward and could not even make eye contact with him. Well, the story gets better. The girls that live 2 houses down came to get us earlier than usual. We couldn’t help but let them in on the incident while in the living room and we also told Ralf about it too. He thought it was hysterical and we all gave her such a hard time. Well at this point, Kacey had disappeared. It wasn’t until we were out of the house, when she said that Luis pulled her onto the porch and made her sit down to tell her that he liked her clothes and liked Miami and loved her! It just kept getting better and better. Lets just say we didn’t come home until much later than we have been tonight. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. Hasta pronto….

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